
Fractal MGX Coffe Table - Unique and Stylish

How would you like a coffe table grown just for you?
Plants inside a house always complement to the interior decoration and the room environment, but when it’s about Fractal.MGX, it also adds handy functionalities. This unique and stylish coffee table is designed considering the fractal growth patterns of trees, making your room a lively place with great appearance. The table has been manufactured as a single piece using epoxy resin and stereo lithography without any seams or joints aiming to turn a simple room into something worth feeling proud of. Even though it doesn’t seem much useful as a coffee table to me due to its uneven surface (unless the designers have thought some unique cups and saucers with matching bottom), it surely can create a bond between human life and nature.

Designers : Gernot Oberfell and Jan Wertel

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